Catalyst ™ 40 GHz Downconverter

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Catalyst ™ 40 GHz Downconverter

Catalyst-40 is setting new standards when handling mmWave signals either for measurement purposes or communications/reception applications.

The instrument employs state-of-the-art mmWave electronics to deliver exceptional RF performance. And the built-in local oscillator brings maximum simplicity to the user setup without extra external devices; Just connect the measured signal to the device RF input while connecting the IF output to your low-GHz spectrum analyzer, scanner or receiver.

Catalyst 2 for Web

The compact downconverter is ideal for field applications as well as several laboratory use-cases since the unit can be controlled via its windows application or optionally through a built-in Keypad and LCD. Additionally, for some scenarios that require using the device with one of Consultix receivers, the Catalyst-40 can be controlled from Consultix Walkview software as a single point of control/collection.



  • 8 dB Noise figure

  • -10 dBm P1dB (typ.)

  • 100 MHz Real-time Bandwidth

  • 4-6 dB Conversion Gain


  • Built-in LO for minimal user setup

  • Ergonomic Form Factor

  • 2.6 Kg weight (5.8 lbs.)

  • High-grade test accessories

ModelInput Frequency RangeConsultix-Catalyst24 to 40 GHz
ModelIF Output FrequencyConsultix-Catalyst2.4 GHz
ModelReal-time BandwidthConsultix-Catalyst100 MHz
ModelTuning stepConsultix-Catalyst1 MHz (for RF center frequency)
ModelFrequency AccuracyConsultix-Catalyst0.3 ppm
ModelConversion gainConsultix-Catalyst4-6 dB (conversion table included)
ModelNoise FigureConsultix-Catalyst6 dB (typ. 8 dB)
ModelPower SupplyConsultix-CatalystInput: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz / Output: 12 VDC, 2A
ModelControlConsultix-CatalystCatalyst app for Windows (standard). Optional through Consultix Walkview SW or device Keypad/LCD
ModelControl interfaceConsultix-CatalystUSB
ModelRF in portConsultix-CatalystK-type female (2.92 mm)
ModelWeightConsultix-Catalyst2.6 Kg (5.8 lbs)

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