DASwizard Monitoring System - Consultix Wireless

DASwizard Monitoring System

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Consultix DASwizard™

Why DAS antenna monitoring?

Delivering a high availability indoor wireless service is a critical KPI for all service providers. Like any network component, DAS networks should be monitored in real-time to assess any performance issues. Monitoring passive DAS components such as coaxial cable and antennas is problematic because these components do not have an inherent monitoring capability. An operator will only “discover” a problem with field testing or worse, from an upset landlord or subscriber. DASwizard sensors and SpectraQual server provide an integrated DAS monitoring system to limit downtime, speed repair and ultimately increase revenues of DAS infrastructures owned by operators, building owners or neutral hosts. These solutions will quickly pay for themselves in eliminating walk tests and analysis to determine DAS performance problems.


  • Real-time DAS antenna monitoring to ensure Cellular Service Availability
  • Ensure the utmost reliability in mission critical & VIP Sites
  • Locate defective segments promptly and easily
  • On-Demand effortless DAS Continuity test
  • Validate compliance with Service Level Agreements
  • Public Safety requirements/legislations demand for DAS monitoring systems


  • Summary Dashboard for Live Monitoring of overall Service Status of all sites
  • Current and Historical Sites Availability with Customizable monitoring window
  • Aggregated and individual antenna availability
  • Custom dashboard, widgets and reports
  • Hosted and On-Premises versions
  • Optional User notifications via Email and SNMP
  • Periodic measurement of DAS antenna transmit power with configurable interval.
  • Total in-band power reading with configurable Alarm Threshold.
  • Mesh IOT architecture
  • Performs on-demand DAS Continuity test
  • Per antenna monitoring
  • Battery operated for Up to 4 year life time.
  • Easy mounting. Does not require special skills
DAS monitoring system
DAS antenna monitoring

Consultix DASwizard is a DAS monitoring system engineered to limit downtime, speed-up field repairs and ultimately increase revenues of DAS sites regardless owned by operators, building owners or neutral hosts. Such system will quickly pay for itself in compromising walk tests and simplifying analysis to determine DAS issues before significantly losing revenues.

The system comprises 3 main elements; distributed probes, gateways and the server.

  • Every probe is easily mounted in a close proximity to each DAS antenna and continuously measures its RF transmission levels
  • Then comes the gateway to collect alarms from each group of probes then relays to the Server
  • And at last, the server for operation, monitoring configuration and data insights.
DAS monitoring system


  • Generic non-intrusive elements

  • No band limitations

  • Alarming layer is independent from the monitored DAS

  • Centralized server with web-based UI for system operation, configuration, data review & insights.

Parameter/FeatureFrequency bandsValue700, 800, 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz (Custom bands available)
Parameter/FeatureMeasurementsValueRF ON/OFF, RF level and battery status
Parameter/FeatureSensing methodValueNon-intrusive external RF sensing (No DAS interruption nor modification)
Parameter/FeatureReporting IntervalValue1 minute to 24 hours (standard 15 minutes)
Parameter/FeatureBattery life timeValue>2 years (@ 15-minute interval) *
Parameter/FeatureProbe WeightValue100 gm (3.53 oz)
Parameter/FeatureGateway CapacityValue32 probes / gateway
Parameter/FeatureGateway Connectivity to serverValueEthernet (Optional WIFI and Cellular)
Parameter/FeatureServerValueOn-Premises or Cloud
Parameter/Feature* Up to 4 years (depending on report interval)

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