Outdoor Model Tuning - Consultix Wireless

Outdoor Model Tuning

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Radio propagation modeling is the basis of cell planning. And the knowledge of the propagation characteristics is key to achieve higher quality standards, lower overall running cost, decrease transmitted power, enhanced coverage per every operational environment. Hence, Inaccuracies in propagation models compromise network planning and optimization activities and result in money and time costs.

By using tuned/calibrated models as the basis for developing new site plans or optimizing an existing cluster of sites, radio planning engineer will be in a better position to set site parameters that accurately model the real world once implemented.

Most of the remarkable radio planning software tools include the capability or measurement toolbox to tune propagation models manually or automatically. And here, CW drive testing is the prior step to collect those actual measurements that will feed this operation. Upon CW measurements, the logged CW data are used to obtain the tuning factors for the propagation model selected for the area under investigation.

Consultix leads the market and provides mobile operators and service companies with the ultimate Outdoor CW testing solutions which are engineered to meet every project scenario and to save user’s time on-site.

Safari™ is a Portable high-power CW transmitter that provides full flexibility of user’s choice from single, dual or quad port operation with the widest mix of amplifiers in the market from 5 Watts up to 50 Watts covering most wireless bands from 140 MHz up to 5.8 GHz.
The Safari system is based on Consultix award-winning WTX transmitter series with proven and continued global success since 2011 due to its field-convenience, wide-band performance, and cost-efficiency.

CellWizard™ receivers are very compact, wideband, battery-operated receivers covering all cellular and public safety bands from 300 MHz to 3.9 GHz. The receiver is combined with WALKVIEW™ data collection software to automatically test & scan signal levels at high sample rates that comply with 40-λ Criteria. The test results including RSSI levels & location information are displayed on the software and can be archived or exported into radio planning software tools.

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